Key to brownish Rana (True Frogs)
Choose the description that best fits the animal of interest. If none
fit go back to question 22.
23a. spots small and few or absent, belly white or with dark mottling,
dark spot on chest at insertion of each front leg, may have light line
down middle of back
Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog)
23b. numerous dark spots (may have light centres), underside yellow,
orange or red, dark mottling on throat, toes fully webbed, eyes turned
slightly upward, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon only
Spotted Frog Group
23c. numerous dark spots or blotches, belly yellow with wash of red on
hind legs and lower abdomen, toes not fully webbed, eyes not upturned,
British Columbia only
Rana aurora (Red-legged Frog)