Amphibians as Fish Bait: Ontario Regulations
Worldwide concern over global declines in amphibian populations is growing. Seventeen
species of amphibians have declined in Canada over the last three decades, and in some
species the decline has been widespread and very serious.
Effective January 1, 2008, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources banned the
commercial harvest and sale of all bait frog and crayfish species to reduce the rate of
amphibian decline and the spread of disease.
Anglers may "capture northern leopard frogs and crayfish for personal use, subject to
restrictions on numbers on both types of bait, and restrict the use of crayfish to the
waterbody it was captured" (Ontario EBR Registry Number: PB06E6006). An angler may have no
more than 12 northern leopard frogs, and no other amphibian species, in his/her possession
at any one time.