The Western Redback Salamander is a long slender dark brown or black
salamander with a red, yellow, green or tan stripe. This stripe is usually
well defined and even-edged although it is absent in some individuals.
A few individuals lack the dark colouation and are all red, yellow, green
or tan. The belly has salt and pepper flecking.
Confusing Species
The Redback Salamander is almost identical
but has black and white mottling on the belly rather than flecking. It
is restricted to eastern North America. The Coeur
d'Alene salamander is also very similar but has a scallop-edged stripe
and a yellow throat.
In Canada the Western Redback Salamander is found on Vancouver Island
and the extreme southwestern mainland of British Columbia. The distribution
continues south along the western edge of Oregon and Washington.
The Western Redback Salamander is found in a variety of moist habitats
within its range including rock slides, ravines, and forests. It ranges
from near sea level up to 1,250 m.
Breeding occurs in November and December and eggs are laid in April
or May. About 10 eggs are laid under cover on land. Hatchlings resemble
the parents and mature in about two years.
Natural history
This is a terrestrial salamander that is commonly found under stones,
logs and debris on the forest floor. It lives below ground during dry periods
in late summer.
Conservation Concerns
This species is considered secure.