The Ensatina is a slender salamander which varies greatly in colour
and pattern. Most Canadian individuals are plain brown or blackish above
and whitish or yellowish below with fine black dots. It is the only salamander
which has both a contriction at the base of the tail and five toes on the
hind feet. Adults may reach a total length of 15 cm including the tail.
Confusing Species
The Clouded Salamander has similar colouration
above but has white dots on the belly and no constriction at the base of
the tail. The Four-toed Salamander has a constriction
at the base of the tail but is not found in western Canada and has four
toes rather than five on the hind feet.
The Ensatina is found both on southern Vancouver Island and the adjacent
mainland. Outside of Canada, it is restricted to the west coast of the
United States down to Mexico.
This species inhabits Douglas Fir-Vine Maple forests in Canada. They
are often found under bark piles but also live underground.
Breeding occurs in late spring or early summer. From 7-25 eggs are laid
underground and are tended by the female. The young hatch as miniature
adults in fall or early winter and reach sexual maturity in two to three
Natural history
The Ensatina retreats underground during dry weather but is active after
rains. When threatened it elevates and arches the tail and stands stiff-legged
and sway backed. If a predator grasps the tail it breaks off, allowing
the salamander to escape. Individuals may live up to 15 years in the wild.
Conservation Concerns
This species may be declining in the lower mainland of British Columbia.
Threats include habitat loss and fragmentation.