Saskatchewan has only 7 species of amphibians. The only province
with fewer species is Newfoundland and Labrador, with only 6 native
species. All of the species are found in the southern half of the
province and 4 species (Canadian Toad, Boreal Chorus Frog and the
2 true frogs) range to the far north. The 7 species found in
Saskatchewan are also found in Alberta and Manitoba.
Mole Salamanders
Tiger Salamander -- Salamandre Tigrée -- Ambystoma tigrinum
Frogs and Toads
Plains Spadefoot Toad -- Crapaud des Plaines -- Spea bombifrons
True Toads
Canadian Toad -- Crapaud du Canada -- Bufo hemiophrys
Great Plains Toad -- Crapaud des Steppes -- Bufo cognatus
Boreal Chorus Frog -- Rainette Faux-Grillon Boréale -- Pseudacris maculata
True Frogs
Northern Leopard Frog -- Grenouille Léopard -- Rana pipiens
Wood Frog -- Grenouille des Bois -- Rana sylvatica
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