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Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network - Réseau Canadien de Conservation des Amphibiens et des Reptiles
British Columbia

British Columbia (along with Ontario) has more families of reptiles than any other province. It also has more species of lizards than anywhere else in Canada (although the Pygmy Short-horned Lizard has been extirpated from the province). Many of BC's reptiles are found nowhere else in Canada. The variety of habitats and moderate climate all help ensure the diversity of BC's reptiles.

    Pond and Marsh Turtles
         Painted Turtle -- Tortue Peinte -- Chrysemys picta
         Western Pond Turtle -- Clemmys marmorata
         Slider -- Trachemys scripta

    Sea Turtles
         Green Turtle -- Chelonia mydas
         Leatherback -- Dermochelys coriacea

    Short-horned Lizards
         Pygmy Short-horned Lizard -- Iguane à Petites Cornes de Douglas -- Phrynosoma douglasi

    Alligator Lizards
         Northern Alligator Lizard -- Lézar-alligator Boréal -- Elgaria coerulea

    Wall Lizards
         Common Wall Lizard..-- Podarcis muralis

         Western Skink -- Scinque de l'Ouest -- Eumeces skiltonianus

    Boas and Pythons
         Rubber Boa -- Boa Caoutchouc -- Charina bottae

    Typical Snakes (Colubrids)
         Racer -- Couleuvre Agile -- Coluber constrictor
         Sharptail Snake -- Couleuvre à Queue Fine -- Contia tenuis
         Night Snake -- Couleuvre Nocturne -- Hypsiglena torquata
         Gopher Snake -- Couleuvre à Nez Mince -- Pituophis catenifer
         Western Terrestrial Garter Snake -- Couleuvre de l'Ouest -- Thamnophis elegans
         Northwestern Garter Snake -- Couleuvre du Nord-Ouest -- Thamnophis ordinoides
         Common Garter Snake -- Couleuvre Rayée -- Thamnophis sirtalis

    Pit Vipers
         Western Rattlesnake -- Crotale de l'Ouest -- Crotalus oreganus


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