The Timber Rattlesnake varies from yellow, through
brown or gray to black. It has dark back and side blotches on the
front of the body and blotches fused to form crossbands on the rear
of the body. Like all rattlesnakes it has a characteristic rattle
at the end of the tail. It can grow to almost 2 m in length.
Confusing Species
The only other rattlesnake in eastern Canada is the Massasauga, which has dark bars on the top of
the head. The Timber Rattlesnake has an unmarked head. In
addition, the Massasauga only grows to 1 m in length.
The Timber Rattlesnake no longer occurs in Canada.
Historically, it was found in southern Ontario in the Niagara area
and on Pelee Island.
Prime habitat is forested areas with rocky outcrops.
The Timber Rattlesnake hibernates communally in rocky fissures.
Such dens tend to be in granitic escarpments (like the Niagara
Escarpment) with a southern exposure.
Breeding occurs in the spring or fall. Females give
live birth to an average of 7 young every 3-4 years. Maturity is
reached in 7-11 years at approximately 80 cm SVL.
Natural history
The Timber Rattlesnake is a sit and wait predator. It
frequently coils up adjacent to a fallen log to await an
unsuspecting small mammal. Individuals return to the same
hibernation site year after year. In the summer, snakes move up to
7 km away from the hibernacula. Although the Timber Rattlesnake is
venomous, there are few records of human fatalities. More people
die every year from insect stings than rattlesnake bites.
Conservation Concerns
The Timber Rattlesnake was consciously eradicated from
Ontario by people. In the 19th century, hunting parties would
attack den sites and kill all the snakes that could be found. As
gravid females would often bask at these sites, they were
particularly prone to attack. The last documented report of a
Timber Rattlesnake from Ontario was in 1941.