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Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network - Réseau Canadien de Conservation des Amphibiens et des Reptiles
Thamnophis ordinoides
Northwestern Garter Snake
Couleuvre du Nord-Ouest
The Northwestern Garter Snake varies in colour from brown, greenish, bluish or black, but it usually has a distinct red, orange or yellow stripe down the middle of the back. The belly is is yellow or gray, often with red blotches. The Northwestern Garter Snake can grow to over 60 cm in total length.

Confusing Species
There are two other garter snakes found in BC. The Western Terrestrial Garter Snake has a yellow or brown stripe down the back, but has small black blotches on the back and sides. The Common Garter Snake can be quite similar to the Northwestern Garter Snake. The Common Garter snake grows to a much larger size and is more apt to be black in background colour. Its side stripes are confined to the second and third scale rows.

The Northwestern Garter Snake is limited to southern coastal British Columbia and most of Vancouver Island. To the south it is also limited to the coast, south to northern California.

Northwestern Garter Snakes occur in a variety of habitats, but are generally associated with water. They are rarely found far from dense thickets.

Breeding occurs either in the spring or fall. As in all garter snakes, females no not lay eggs but give birth to their young. From 3-15 young are born during the summer. The young are 15-18 cm in total length at birth.

Natural history
The Northwestern Garter Snake eats a wide variety of animals including slugs, earthworms, fish, frogs and toads, small snakes, small mammals and birds. It is most active on sunny days. When approached it often moves quickly into the safety of thick vegetation.

Conservation Concerns
This species is relatively common where it occurs in BC and is considered to be not at risk.

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