Key to eastern Plethodontids with stripe down the back
Choose the description that best fits the animal of interest. If none
fit go back to question 7.
9a. various colours, straight-edged, dark bordered stripe down back
marked with a line of V shapes, pale line from eye to angle of jaw, tail
rounded, hind legs larger and sturdier than front
Desmognathus ochrophaeus (Mountain Dusky Salamander)
9b. broad yellow stripe with brown, green or orange tinge, bordered by
dark brown or black lines, may be speckled, belly yellow, tail oval,
Eurycea bislineata (Northern Two-lined Salamander)
9c. red, yellow, orange, pink or gray stripe with dark border, belly
mottled black and white
Plethodon cinereus (Redback Salamander)