Key to greenish Rana (True Frogs)
Choose the description that best fits the animal of interest. If none
fit go back to question 22.
25a. green, bronze, brown or some combination, dorsolateral ridges stop
partway down back and do not reach groin, belly white with dark lines or
spots, thin bars on legs, snout somewhat pointed, no larger than 11 cm
body length
Rana clamitans (Green Frog)
25b. greenish brown or brown or with dark blotches or mottling,
dorsolateral ridges prominent to absent, belly cream to pale yellow,
spots or blotches on legs, snout somewhat pointed, may have musky odour,
no larger than 8 cm body length, not British Columbia
Rana septentrionalis (Mink Frog)
25c. green to yellow above, may have darker mottling, no dorsolateral
ridges, belly cream to white, may be heavily mottled, head relatively
broad, snout rounded, distinct ridge above and behind ear, may reach 20
cm body length
Rana catesbeiana (Bullfrog)