Welcome to CARCNET's Website on the Amphibians and
Reptiles of Canada
Our Mission Statement:
In recognition of the inherent value of all native amphibians
and reptiles, the Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network (CARCNET)
is devoted to conserving Canada's native species of amphibians and reptiles,
and their ecological and evolutionary functions in perpetuity.
Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Montréal, Québec July 23 - 28, 2008.
In 2008 The Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network/R�seau Canadien de Conservation des Amphibiens et des Reptiles (CARCNET/R�CCAR ) will meet in conjunction with the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in Montréal, Québec July 23 - 28. For more information contact Bruce Pauli at bruce.pauli (at) ec.gc.ca.
This Web Site:
Will tell you about our organization, how you can join,
our annual meeting, and the following information about reptiles and amphibians in Canada:
Identification, distribution, natural history and conservation of
Canada's frogs, salamanders, lizards, turtles and snakes

The species found in your province or anywhere else in Canada
Research, monitoring and conservation of amphibians and reptiles and how you can

quiz to test your identification skills
- 2008 Calendar and T-Shirts
Ph.D. students and a post-doctoral research associate are required for a
3-year project examining the effects of multiple stressors in small
wetland ecosystems. The focus of the research will be on the potential
effects of the herbicide glyphosate along with eutrophication or
predation stress on amphibians and other aquatic organisms in
agricultural or forest wetlands. The work will take place on Canadian
Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick, Canada. More Details
- NEW BOOK: SEBURN, C.N.L. and C.A. BISHOP (editors). Ecology, conservation and status of reptiles in Canada. Herpetological Conservation, Vol. 2. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Please use the order
form to order your copy.
- Learn how to reduce turtle
road mortality
- Abstracts from the 2007
Annual CARCNET Meeting
- Leatherback Turtle Conservation
- Nova
Scotia Leatherback Turtle Working Group -
The Nova Scotia Leatherback Turtle Working Group is a collaborative marine turtle research and conservation
initiative involving fishermen and university-affiliated biologists in Atlantic Canada. On this Web site, you can
learn about sea turtles, their research, and you can even track a leatherback turtle as it makes its way through
the Atlantic Ocean.
- Vancouver
Aquarium The
Vancouver Aquarium has started a Leatherback Turtle Awareness Program,
to learn more about these endangered turtles that use British Columbia
waters as one of their habitats. We are asking for help to
report any sightings of sea turtles in coastal communities. In
exchange, teachers, students, and community groups are provided with
learning activities that will show us what we can do to help the
Leatherback turtles. Visit their website to find out more about
their Awareness Program.
The Silver Salamander Award
- presented to an individual
or organization in recognition a specific contribution to the
conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Canada.
The Blue Racer Award
- presented to an individual in
recognition of cumulative contributions to research and conservation of
amphibians and reptiles in Canada.
The CARCNET/R�CCAR Scholarship for Amphibian and Reptile Research.
The Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network/R�seau Canadien de Conservation des Amphibiens et des Reptiles (CARCNET/R�CCAR ) is offering a scholarship program consisting of one or more $500.00 scholarships awarded annually to Canadian students conducting research to support amphibian and reptile conservation in Canada.
Application deadline is December 1.
For more information and application procedures click here
La bourse d'�tude du R�CCAR/CARCNET
Le R�seau Canadien de Conservation des Amphibiens et Reptiles/ Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network (R�CCAR/CARCNET) offre un programme de bourses d'�tudes qui consiste en une ou plusieurs bourses de $500.00. Les bourses sont attribu�es annuellement � des �tudiants Canadiens conduisant des recherches appuyant la conservation des amphibiens et reptiles au Canada.(Cette notification a �t� traduite par Gr�gory Bult�)
La date limite d'application est le 1er d�cembre
Pour plus amples renseignements et les proc�dures d'application cliquetent ici